My background

After dropping out of high school at 16 or 17, I started my career selling Electrolux vacuums door to door. I still remember the humiliation of putting dirt on a strangers carpet and then cleaning it up. I shifted into investment banking at around 18 years old but quickly traded my life savings away using margin. When the towers got hit, I lost most of it due to a margin call. I tried my hand at mortgages and IT. At some point during college, I took a job that was completely foreign to me - search marketing for a sole properitor making millions of dollars in pond related affiliate marketing. I realized the potential, took a few more jobs in the field, then started my first business in 2007, generating $12-$13 million in revenues.

At present, I'm actively seeking pro-bono advisors and business partners to build businesses with and to assist with idea generation, execution and overall strategy in a sounding board capacity.

Feel free to reach out.